Name: Stewart Mendenhall 

Birthday: July 26, 1987

From/Hometown: Long Beach, California 

Dexterity: Right Handed

PDGA#: 91114

Team Member since 2021

Home Course: El Dorado Park in Long Beach California

Favorite Course

 “El Dorado Park in Long Beach California”



“I began playing disc golf in 1996 in Sarasota Florida & fell in love with the sport. I resumed once I returned to my hometown in Long Beach Ca and got my PDGA membership in 2017. I won my first tournament later that same year.”

Favorite Discs

“Legacy protégé Hunter is the best flying putter I’ve ever thrown. Flies straight as an arrow.”

In the Bag

Distance Drivers

Icon Cannon (175g)

Pinnacle Rampage (175)

Icon Outlaw (175g)

Legend Vengeance  (175g)

Fairway Drivers

Sparkle Enemy (174g)

Icon Rival (175g)

2 Pinnacle Rival (175g)


Icon Pursuit (175g)

Pinnacle Ghost (180g)


Pinnacle Gauge (180g)


Icon Recluse (175g)



Sparkle Clozer (175g)

Protege Hunter (175g)

Honey Bee Clutch (175g)