Flight Chart
Flight Ratings
Here at Legacy we assign four numbers to each of our discs to describe its’ intended flight. Our flight rating system includes Speed, Glide, Turn, and Fade. Since each individual disc is unique to itself, we work hard to ensure consistency in our discs. However due to the nature of plastics, not every batch will be 100% identical. The numbers therefore give our best representation of what a player should expect when a disc is thrown at speed and on a neutral angle of release.
Speed is used to describe the rate at which a disc moves through the air. Usually the speed of a disc increases as the size of a rim gets larger. This is why a lot of high speed drivers have larger rims. We rate our discs from speed 1-14. Putt and Approach discs receive speeds of 1-3. Midrange discs are rated between 4-6. Fairways move up to 7-9 and distance drivers speed up to 10-14. Higher speeds mean longer distances but require a lot more power to get the most out of their flight.
Glide is describeed as a discs ability to stay afloat through the air as it flies. High glide discs will move farther forward and reach the ground at slower speeds, while low glide discs tend to fight towards the ground quicker. Understable discs have much more glide than overstable discs. It is recommended for new players to use high glide discs. The added glide will add more distance for less power
We describe turn as a discs ability to resist drifting right (for RHBH Throwers) early on in the flight. Turn is measured using a system numbered +1-(-5). The higher the negative number the more turn a disc will have. And as the number moves towards a positive 1, the more it will fight to not go right. For beginners it is recommended to use a disc with a higher negative number because it will fight less to reach the ground. Understable discs have turn rating of (-2) or higher. Discs with a turn of +1 are great for throwing into the wind, since they will fight to maintain the flight they have.
Fade is a discs flight pattern towards the end of its flight. Fade is when a disc starts to hook up and move to the left (for a RHBH throw). Fade is measured on a scale of 0-5. The lower the number, the less a disc will move left at the end of the flight. Therefore a disc with a fade rating of 0 will finish straighter than a disc with a fade rating of 5.