Name: Patrick Brown 

Birthday: August 22, 1968

From/Hometown: Austin/ Santa Cruz 

Dexterity: Right Handed

PDGA#: 25713

Team Member since 2019

Home Course: Kelley Park in San Jose, Delaveaga in Santa Cruz

Favorite Course

“De Laveaga
Too many great courses out on tour to pick one. Here are a few that I love playing. 
DeLa, Milo, La Mirada, Pier Park, Maple Hill, Hornets Nest, GGP, Harmony Bends. Blue Ribbon Pines”
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“I started playing at GGP in San Francisco in 2003. I have been on tour since 2009 with a 110 victories including 4 major titles. I’m stoked to be able to play for Team Legacy Discs along with the Rico fam.” 

Favorite Discs

“Putters are my favorites. Drive, Approach and Putting. You know what they say, Putt for dough Drive for show.” 

In the Bag

Distance Drivers

Pinnacle Cannon (168g)(175g)

Pinnacle Rampage (175g)

Icon Outlaw (175g) (162g)

Pinnacle Outlaw (175g)

Legend Vengeance (170g)

Tour Series Vengeance (175g)

Fairway Drivers

Shattered Patriot (175g)

Shattered Rival (175g)

Pinnacle Phenom (165g)(175g)

Icon Rival (175g)

Shimmer Enemy (175g)


Icon Pursuit (175g)

Excel Pursuit 

Excel Ghost 

Signature Series Shimmer Gauge (180g)

Signature Series Shattered Gauge (178g) 


Compa Blend Protege Clozer (175g)

2 Compa Blend Protege Hunter (175g)