Name: Jeff Frost

Birthday: 11/22/68

From/Hometown: Raised in Ojai, California. Currently I call Ventura home.

Dexterity: Right

PDGA#: 85367

Team Member since: 2019

Home Course: Home course is Lake Casitas Ca,

Favorite Course

“Lake Cachuma. There are two beautiful and scenic courses on one property. It’s loaded with par 4’s and a variety of different holes, wooded, wide open, etc.”


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“I’m Jeff Frost, I joined the PDGA late in life at 46! I fell in love with the game after camping at Lake Casitas during the Coyote Classic. From that point on I’ve been addicted to disc golf. I started playing tournaments immediately after joining the PDGA. My first tournament was the Evergreen Open B tier, Santa Barbara Ca. I played MP40. I took 2nd and had an ACE! One of the rounds was a 1,000+ rated. I had played about 10 years casually before that. I only played one course (Lake Casitas) for the first 10yrs. My progression, with a lot of practice, moved me along quickly! Although I had some success, I was humbled quickly as I played bigger tournaments. That was the best thing that could have happened to me! I’ve been very fortunate to pick up a sponsorship this late in life!”

Favorite Discs

“In my bag I carry 100% Legacy. My favorite disc is the 175 Pinnacle Pursuit mid range, it’s the most consistent disc I’ve ever thrown!”

In the Bag

Distance Drivers

Icon Cannon (171g)

Pinnacle Cannon (167g)

Icon Rampage (167g)

Icon Outlaw (175g)

Pinnacle Outlaw (175g)

Icon Aftermath (171g)

Fairway Drivers

Icon  Enemy (175g)

Sparkle Enemy (175g)

Honey Bee Bandit 174g)

Icon Phenom (175g)

Icon Rival (175g)

3x Pinnacle Rival (174g)

Pinnacle Patriot (175g)

Legend Patriot (175g)


Pinnacle Valor (180g)


Glow Clutch (175)

Gravity Hunter (175)

Honey Bee Hunter (175)

Icon Hunter (175)